We need your help. We are trying to raise $52,860 by March 2023.

Donate here: GoFundMe-Save-Sarah

In her desperation to get better and try every treatment available, Sarah drained her savings and then all her superannuation. She is now on a disability pension, which covers the bare essentials. Our family have helped out where we can, but her mum and dad are on a pension. This horrific disease has drained our family energy and finances. Sarah’s world has shrunk considerably and she has lost a decade of her life, career and once hopeful future. All she wants is to be healthy and be able to work again.


The $52,860 we need for Sarah’s treatment in Switzerland will cover:

·      Airfares, trains and transfers: for Sarah and health advocate and support person (family member) to travel to Switzerland

·      Treatment costs: for 3 weeks at the clinic (includes accommodation)

·      Food, accommodation and insurance for travel

·      Additional medications and doctor’s appointments 


We understand and appreciate the everyday challenges that face so many families and individuals. We do not take this request for help lightly, but we have run out of options. She is now so ill, she has lost almost all hope and suicide is a real option for her. The hope of receiving a proven treatment in Switzerland that may allow her  to function again, is currently keeping Sarah alive.  


Please help her by giving whatever you can. The more people that know about these complex conditions and Sarah's story, the greater the impact, so please also spread the word by sharing this page with your friends and family. 


Thank you in advance for your generosity, it will save her life. We can’t do it without your help.

She’s too special to lose.