This is the clinic we have extensively researched.

It will make all the difference to Sarah’s health and future.

Swiss Mountain Clinic


International Competence-Centre for Regulative and Functional Medicine 

Patients from over 65 countries have been treated by us and recommended us. Almost every day we receive requests from sick people from all over the world hoping for a chance to recover their health. 

At the Swiss Mountain Clinic, we do not treat the disease, but the human, in order to get to the root of the problem. We use state-of-the-art diagnostic methods combined with detailed discussions. For the treatments we use proven methods of biological medicine and traditional European natural remedies. We do not see conventional medicine as competition, but as a supplement. 

Our Chief Physician, Dr. Petra Wiechel, as well as her daughter Dr. Friderike Wiechel are very passionate about prevention – helping people who know their body is out of balance and want to understand why. We, of course, also treat patients who received a diagnosis such as Lyme Diseas, Fibromyalgia, heavy metal poisoning, Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis, burnout, cancer, etc. 

Our diagnostics help us to understand what is going on deep within: what processes are already happening in your body, where do you stand with your heavy metals, what does your blood say? We use dark field blood analysis, iridology, VNS analysis, mineral analysis and many more analyses to get a complete picture of your current condition. 

With a 360° view of you, we develop a plan with adapted therapies because everyone deserves a different and unique treatment process to meet their medical needs. We offer a wide spectrum of treatments such as colon hydrotherapy, infusion, full-body hyperthermia, neural therapy, hyperbaric oxidation therapy, BioPhoton, psychotherapy and more than 60 different therapies and treatments to help you regulate, detoxify and find balance. We also work with external specialists such as internationally recognized dentists. Understanding what is going on with the teeth is a key component of our diagnostic since 80% of malfunctions (of the body) come from the teeth. 

Disease is never a coincidence, but a result of our lifestyle. With the many daily demands, it can be difficult to maintain balance. This is why we developed intensive weekly programs to help you pause and focus on your health before returning to your normal life with renewed strength and the ability to face the everyday challenges. Be it for a weekly liver cleanse, fasting, heavy metals or a customized program, our packages are designed to prevent disease as well as regulate and detoxify your body. 


Holistic Concept

Located in the Swiss Alps in the village of Castaneda, our clinic is the perfect location to rest and recharge. We provide an organic and gluten-free diet, an EMF-reduced environment, excellent water and more. This perfect combination allows optimal regeneration and healing. It is no coincidence that the Swiss Mountain Clinic is currently located at this place full of mystical powers. Hundreds of years ago, people came here to get well. 

With our special concept combining healing and wellbeing we are certified as Healing Hotel of the World and provide you with low a radiation environment and your holistic care. Nestled in a beautiful mountain landscape, the view sweeps into the distance - here you can recharge your batteries and recover by enjoying our regional organic nutrition which is awarded by Gout Mieux. 

Unfortunately, we humans tend to change something in our lives when we receive news of a certain condition or get a diagnosis, i.e. when the "biological cut" is crossed and going back to health is more difficult than if the signs of an imbalance were acknowledged earlier. 

This is why at the Swiss Mountain Clinic, we specialize ourselves in understanding what is going on in your body using a holistic approach. We aim to understand the root cause of your condition before starting the therapy program (a.k.a. regulative medicine). You might have received a diagnosis – but we go back upstream to understand why and that, no matter what point you are at in your journey.